sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2012

Spiritism-Emmanuel Considerations about Paul Emmanuel Considerations on Paul of Tarsus

Author: Emmanuel


There are few jobs that run the world, re ­ relatively to the glorious task of the Apostle of the Gentiles. Is it fair therefore to expect the interrogative: — Why else would a book on Paul of Tarsus? Tribute to the great Gospel worker or more detailed information of your life?

As to the first hypothesis, we are among the first to recognize that the converted from Damascus does not require our petty tributes; and as for the second, we will respond positively to achieve the purpose for which we are calling pro, transferring to the human resources role possible, something of the traditions of the pla in the spiritual about the work entrusted to the great friend of the Gentiles.

Our essential scope could not be just paddle ­ live sublime passages of Apostolic times, and Yes, first of all, the figure of faithful co-worker, in their legitimate male trait transformed by Jesus-Christ and attentive to the divine Ministry. We clarify that it is not our purpose to raise just a romanticized biography. The world is full of these plugs educates prospects with reference to its notable figures. Our best and most sincere wish is to remember the struggles a sharp word and the testimony of a rugged heart, which arose from human struggles to follow in the footsteps of the master, a relentless effort.

The churches of today and the false amornecidas of sejos, of believers, in the various sectors of Christianity, justify our intentions.

Everywhere there are trends to the idleness of ESPI and spirit manifestations of least effort. Many students vying for the prerogatives of the State, while others distanced work voluntarily, beseech the supernatural protection from heaven. Temples and devotees among the gam, happily, to situations of their laughing, easing the dominations and muffs material order.

Observing this sentimental scene is useful using giving unforgettable figure of the apostle.

Many commented on Paul's life; but, when you attributed certain preferential bonds, free of the sky, showed him as a fanatic heart res ­ sequido. To some, he was a Saint by predestination, whom Jesus appeared, a mechanical operation of grace; for others, it was an arbitrary spirit, absorbent and fast, then, inclined to fight the companions, with the almost cruel vaida. We are not deterred this extremist position. We want to remind you that Paul received the gift santa glorious vision of the master, at the gates of Damascus, but let us not forget the statement of Jesus on the suffering that awaited him, for the sake of the name.

It is certain that the unforgettable Weaver brought his divine user ministé; but, who will be in the world without a Ministry of God? Many people will say that ignores the very task, which is insciente in this regard, but we will be able to answer that, in addition to ignorance, inattention and pernicious whim. The most demanding will warn that Paul received a direct appeal; but, in fact, all men less rude have their call staff at the service of Christ. The shapes may vary, but the essence of the appeal is always the same. The invitation to the Ministry arrives, sometimes subtly, unexpected and mind; most, however, resists called generous than Mr. However, Jesus is not a master of violence and whether the figure of Paul looms ahead much more to our eyes, is that he heard, denied himself, repented, took the cross and followed Christ until the end of his materials. Among persecutions, illnesses, apodos, mocks, disappointments, desertions, stones, stripes and the encarcerament, Paul of Tarsus was an intrepid and sincere man, walking among the shadows of the world, the Master who did hear at the crossroads of

his life. It was much more than a predestined, was an American film director who worked daily into the light.

The master calls it, its sphere of clarity imor ­ such. Paul is groping in the darkness of human experiences and answered: — Lord, what do you want me to do?

Between him and Jesus had a bottomless pit, that the Apostle knew transpose in decades of redemptive fight and important cons.

To demonstrate it, to the examination of and competes in own work, in order to meet Jesus, is our goal.

Another purpose of this humble effort is to recognize that the Apostle could not reach this possibility, in isolated action in the world.

Without Stephen wouldn't have Paul of Tarsus. The great martyr of nascent Christianity, reached a much broader influence on Palestinian experience, than we could imagine only by known texts in the studies. The lives of both is intertwined with miste ­ riosa beauty. Stephen's contribution and other per-table full of this story real confirms the need for and universa

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