domingo, 30 de dezembro de 2012

sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2012

Spiritism-Emmanuel Considerations about Paul Emmanuel Considerations on Paul of Tarsus

Author: Emmanuel


There are few jobs that run the world, re ­ relatively to the glorious task of the Apostle of the Gentiles. Is it fair therefore to expect the interrogative: — Why else would a book on Paul of Tarsus? Tribute to the great Gospel worker or more detailed information of your life?

As to the first hypothesis, we are among the first to recognize that the converted from Damascus does not require our petty tributes; and as for the second, we will respond positively to achieve the purpose for which we are calling pro, transferring to the human resources role possible, something of the traditions of the pla in the spiritual about the work entrusted to the great friend of the Gentiles.

Our essential scope could not be just paddle ­ live sublime passages of Apostolic times, and Yes, first of all, the figure of faithful co-worker, in their legitimate male trait transformed by Jesus-Christ and attentive to the divine Ministry. We clarify that it is not our purpose to raise just a romanticized biography. The world is full of these plugs educates prospects with reference to its notable figures. Our best and most sincere wish is to remember the struggles a sharp word and the testimony of a rugged heart, which arose from human struggles to follow in the footsteps of the master, a relentless effort.

The churches of today and the false amornecidas of sejos, of believers, in the various sectors of Christianity, justify our intentions.

Everywhere there are trends to the idleness of ESPI and spirit manifestations of least effort. Many students vying for the prerogatives of the State, while others distanced work voluntarily, beseech the supernatural protection from heaven. Temples and devotees among the gam, happily, to situations of their laughing, easing the dominations and muffs material order.

Observing this sentimental scene is useful using giving unforgettable figure of the apostle.

Many commented on Paul's life; but, when you attributed certain preferential bonds, free of the sky, showed him as a fanatic heart res ­ sequido. To some, he was a Saint by predestination, whom Jesus appeared, a mechanical operation of grace; for others, it was an arbitrary spirit, absorbent and fast, then, inclined to fight the companions, with the almost cruel vaida. We are not deterred this extremist position. We want to remind you that Paul received the gift santa glorious vision of the master, at the gates of Damascus, but let us not forget the statement of Jesus on the suffering that awaited him, for the sake of the name.

It is certain that the unforgettable Weaver brought his divine user ministé; but, who will be in the world without a Ministry of God? Many people will say that ignores the very task, which is insciente in this regard, but we will be able to answer that, in addition to ignorance, inattention and pernicious whim. The most demanding will warn that Paul received a direct appeal; but, in fact, all men less rude have their call staff at the service of Christ. The shapes may vary, but the essence of the appeal is always the same. The invitation to the Ministry arrives, sometimes subtly, unexpected and mind; most, however, resists called generous than Mr. However, Jesus is not a master of violence and whether the figure of Paul looms ahead much more to our eyes, is that he heard, denied himself, repented, took the cross and followed Christ until the end of his materials. Among persecutions, illnesses, apodos, mocks, disappointments, desertions, stones, stripes and the encarcerament, Paul of Tarsus was an intrepid and sincere man, walking among the shadows of the world, the Master who did hear at the crossroads of

his life. It was much more than a predestined, was an American film director who worked daily into the light.

The master calls it, its sphere of clarity imor ­ such. Paul is groping in the darkness of human experiences and answered: — Lord, what do you want me to do?

Between him and Jesus had a bottomless pit, that the Apostle knew transpose in decades of redemptive fight and important cons.

To demonstrate it, to the examination of and competes in own work, in order to meet Jesus, is our goal.

Another purpose of this humble effort is to recognize that the Apostle could not reach this possibility, in isolated action in the world.

Without Stephen wouldn't have Paul of Tarsus. The great martyr of nascent Christianity, reached a much broader influence on Palestinian experience, than we could imagine only by known texts in the studies. The lives of both is intertwined with miste ­ riosa beauty. Stephen's contribution and other per-table full of this story real confirms the need for and universa

quarta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2012

Never desestime the importance of other

Often we only think about the criticism with which others may target,

forgetting that it is also of others we receive the strength to


The next aid is your best investment.

Empower others in order that others value you.

Think about others, not in terms of angelitude or perversity, but in


human beings with needs and dreams, similar struggles and problems

to your.

If loneliness be, God's laws would not his birth on Earth


two creatures, turning you in person to build a group


(Graham/Chico Xavier-Book: Green Signal
Our dear friend Chico long claudicava. It hurt him a foot. Dr. Rocha, doctor neighbor and friend, have you ministrara medicines, without, however, to alleviate their suffering. Dr. Romulus, a wonderful magnetic generator, you already had applied fluid terápica assistance. I, for my part, also had contributed, within my limitations. All of little value! The pain persisted, making Chico manquitolar horribly.
The employees returned to their homes using a buggy. (...) The vehicle entering the city by a street where it was located, so the red-light district.
One afternoon, Chico and his companions, to pass through "Tootles"-common designation given to backyard-were approached by one of the girls that inhabited the place. And, addressing himself to the Boy, she said:
-Come to my house. I need you to talk.
Jokes, motejos, laughs and unfortunate comments made themselves heard. Chico car came down with difficulty, to accompany the girl to his home.
All HARLOTS who lived there received it with deep respect, offering him a Chair, in which Chico settled.
The girl that brought a small addressed basin with clean water. Humbly asked him permission to descalçá him the shoes, putting your foot sick within the basin. Holding sprigs of flowers of the field, the Lady prayed and all the others followed, contritas. She soaked the sprigs and batia, gently, at the foot of Chico, repeatedly, by multiple times. Then wiped it, kissed it and the calçou again.
Two days later, crying with emotion, Chico told us what positive identifications in the meetings. Through his clairvoyance, recorded that the liquid from the Bowl it was getting dark and lodoso, as that woman bathed her foot, causing the pain slowly esvaísse.
To all those present, the water remained unchanged, clear, nothing had changed.
Chico never felt pain. The poor whore, in humble, simple gesture on the insignificant and sprigs of mato, more that we others, put in your prayer something sublime and operator of wonders: the LOVE!

terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2012

Alms and Charity

Escusam-if many cannot be charitable, claiming insecurity of goods, as if the charity if reducing feed to the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, and to provide a roof to the homeless.
In addition to this charity, order material, another exists-the moral, that doesn't involve spending a dime and, nevertheless, it is more difficult to be practiced.
Examples? Here are a few:
Would be uncharitable, making good use of our mental strengths, vibrássemos or pray daily in favor of those who know find yourself sick, sad or overwhelmed, without excluding those who might consider themselves our enemies.
Would be charitable if, in certain situations, we do not see blind to intentionally the scornful smile or gesture desprezivo of whom are deemed superior to us.
Would be charitable if, with the sacrifice of our valuable time, we were able to hear, without boredom, the unhappy we want to trust their intimate problems, although knowing beforehand that we can do nothing for him, but driving him some words of affection and solidarity.
Would be uncharitable to setback, we make us momentarily deaf when someone used to mock everything and everyone we came with ironic expressions or he experiences jeering.
Would be uncharitable, disciplining our language, only in referíssemos to that there is good in beings and things, never passing along news that, even if true, only serve to befoul the honor or shake the reputation of others.
Would be charitable if, although the circumstances that would induce us, not suspeitássemos evil of our fellow human beings, eschewing us to expend any hasty and reckless judgment against them, even among family members.
Would be uncharitable, realizing in our brother an evil intent, the aconselhássemos in time, showing you the error and despersuadindo of the implement.
Would be uncharitable, depriving us once in a while, the pleasure of a radio program or Tv to our liking, visitássemos personally those who, in hospital beds or in their residence, enjoy prolonged illness and yearn for a bit of attention and affection.
Would be charitable if, although this attitude could harm our self-interest, ultimately, always, the defense of the weak and the poor, against the arrogance of the strong and the rich usury.
Would be uncharitable, keeping permanently a proceeding serene and optimistic, we create around us an atmosphere of peace, tranquillity and good humor.
Would be charitable if, occasionally, endereçássemos a word of congratulations and encouragement to good causes and try not to kill faith and enthusiasm of those who they feel committed.
Would be uncharitable if we to postulate any benefit or advantage, since verificássemos have other more legitimate rights to be met first.
Would be charitable if, seeing success those whose merits are inferior to ours, not the invejássemos nor were they wanted badly.
Would be uncharitable if not desdenhássemos nor evitássemos the poor life, if not temêssemos splashes of mud that cover and extend to them our helping hand, helping them to stand up and clean up.
Would be uncharitable, owning some portion of power, let us not take for superb, treating, the little ones of condition, always with gentleness and urbanity, or, in the reverse situation, we would tolerate, without hatred, the impertinências of those who occupy the best jobs in the social landscape.
Would be charitable if, by being smarter, not irritássemos with the ineptitude of those who surround us or serve us.
Would be uncharitable if you don't protect resentment of those who have offended or harmed us, that hurt our pride or stole our happiness, forgiving them.
Would be uncharitable if reserve our accuracy only to ourselves, being patient and tolerant of the weaknesses and imperfections of those with whom we have shared our lives, at home, in the workshop or in society.
And so, tens or hundreds of other circumstances could still be remembered, in that a sincere friendship, a fraternal gesture or a simple demonstration of sympathy, would clear expressions of the greatest of all virtues.
We, however, almost didn't realise these opportunities we offer, at any moment, to do charity.
It is because this type of charity not transposes the boundaries of our inner world, it transpires, it draws attention, nor causes glorifications.
We we offend against, employ violence, treat or other lightly, we suspect, make comments in bad faith, share of error and fraud, showed us intolerant, feed hatred, we practice vengeance, we encourage gossip, spread concerns discourage noble initiatives, we welcome the imposture, harm the interests of others, we explored the


There is a new science of thought and energy that there will be, while life is understood more fully in spiritual terms. This science already have precursors in ancient history, and even in modern history, however, is largely unknown to the collective consciousness. This new spiritual science will have many levels of expression, however, is that it creates an understanding of the relationship of thinking about energy, and energy with the energy of the other bodies, both human and non-human.
A fundamental premise of this new science is that the thought is energy, physical energy, but part of a continuum of spiritual energy that affects and is part of life as a whole. How much purer, clearer and more full of light is the most powerful, thought or energy can be directed to the releases. However, no matter how obscure may be a thought, he still releases energy in the direction of the content and emotional Valence and motivation.
When humans recognize the power of thought as energy, they will not only become at this level, but also recognize the great force for good that exists in the ability to affect the world through the very process of thought/energy. In addition to this well folks and human interactive, there are numerous benefits to the Earth, which can come from the release of thought/energy in ways that are useful to the ground. Two of these ways are described here.
First, the felling of trees when necessary. The new consciousness of the Earth as sacred, will want to carry out such changes with the body of a sacred Land and help the Earth to heal and to readjust as part of this process.

You can, in this context, prepare the trees to be cut, thanking them for what they have given and acknowledging your presence and awareness. You can also, through thinking directed, redirect your vital force before they are cut, so that this vital force starts to flow again to the Earth, instead of to the twigs and leaves. Redirect the vital force back to Earth is what happens naturally when trees are cut, since the vital force is energy and life of each tree is also part of life on Earth. However, this can take a long time. To avoid shock and anguish at the trees or to the body of the Earth, the energy/life force can be redirected as a preparation for life that leaves the shape of the tree and enter again in the unity of the body of the Earth. This can help both to the trees, the land on the recovery of the abrupt interruption of the flow of physical and spiritual energy.
Secondly, in preparation for digging in the Ground for any reason, such as the creation of a pool of water or other opening required: the soil can also be prepared to redirect your energy flow, so that a space be made before the opening forced that occurs. This co-creative endeavor, aided by humans, can help to redirect the flow of energy from the land of desired aperture, and you can ask for in prayer to mother earth do the same, so that the delicate energy of life network is maintained. This will allow an opening is created and that it does not cause any harm. As with the trees, this readjustment and redirecting energy will happen in any case, once the well is dug, or other opening to be created. However, those who try to help the Earth and cause the least damage to the bio-energetic field which is his body, can learn to work in harmony with the Earth through their conscious thought process and co-creative.
Implicit in this new science of thought and energy will be the understanding that all consciousness is interactive, and what is done to the mental level interior affects outwardly things too. In this sense, the biophysical ground body is affected by the conscience of those who live on Earth, and is healed and restored, or depleted and degraded, depending on the view, the attitude and the underlying sentiment towards a shared reality.
Those who seek to preserve and improve the Holy life of the Earth know these things intuitively. However, the self-empowerment to bring this knowledge to the next level of curing action is often non-existent and need of credibility of spiritual science in order to activate the efforts of a more powerful type. In this sense, we must always remember that all life, energy and consciousness, are part of a whole, and so what if holds within itself, however, can contribute or detract from the good of All.

domingo, 1 de janeiro de 2012

Meditação do pensamento positivo

Oração de Agradecimento
Julie Redstone
5 de Dezembro de 2011
Há uma nova ciência do pensamento e da energia que se formará, enquanto a vida é compreendida mais plenamente em termos espirituais. Tal ciência já tem precursores na história antiga e até na história moderna, entretanto, é em grande parte desconhecida para a consciência coletiva. Esta nova ciência espiritual terá muitos níveis de expressão, no entanto, um dos básicos é que ela criará uma compreensão do relacionamento do pensamento com a energia, e da energia com os corpos energéticos dos outros, tanto humanos como não humanos.
Uma premissa fundamental desta nova ciência é que o pensamento é energia, não energia física, mas parte de um continuum de energia espiritual que afeta e é parte da vida como um todo. Quanto mais puro, mais claro e mais cheio de luz for o pensamento, mais potente ou dirigida pode ser a energia que o libera. No entanto, não importa quão obscuro possa ser um pensamento, ele ainda libera energia na direção do seu conteúdo, valência emocional e motivação.
Quando os seres humanos reconhecerem o poder do pensamento como energia, eles buscarão não somente se transformarem neste nível, mas também reconhecerão a grande força para o bem que existe na habilidade de afetar o mundo através do próprio processo do pensamento/energia. Além deste bem pessoal e interativo humano, há inúmeros benefícios para a Terra, que podem vir da liberação do pensamento/energia de maneiras que são úteis à Terra. Duas destas maneiras são descritas aqui.
Primeiro, a derrubada de árvores quando necessário. A nova consciência da Terra como sagrada, irá querer realizar tais alterações com o corpo da Terra de um modo sagrado e ajudar a Terra a se curar e a se reajustar como parte deste processo.
Pode-se, neste contexto, preparar as árvores para serem cortadas, agradecendo-lhes pelo que elas deram e reconhecendo a sua presença e consciência. Pode-se também, através do pensamento dirigido, redirecionar a sua força vital antes que sejam cortadas, de modo que esta força vital comece a fluir novamente para a Terra, em vez de para os galhos e folhas. Redirecionar a força vital de novo para a terra é o que acontece naturalmente quando as árvores são cortadas, desde que a força vital é energia e a vida de cada árvore é também parte da vida da Terra. No entanto, isto pode demorar muito. Para evitar o choque e a angústia para as árvores ou para o corpo da Terra, a energia/força vital pode ser redirecionada como uma preparação para a vida que deixa a forma da árvore e entra novamente na unidade do corpo da Terra. Isto pode ajudar tanto às árvores, quanto à Terra na recuperação da interrupção brusca do fluxo da energia física e espiritual.
Em segundo lugar, na preparação para cavar a Terra por qualquer razão, tal como a criação de um poço de água ou outra abertura necessária: o solo pode também ser preparado para redirecionar o seu fluxo de energia, de modo que um espaço seja feito antes da abertura forçada que ocorre. Este esforço co-criativo, auxiliado pelos seres humanos, pode ajudar a redirecionar o fluxo de energia da Terra da abertura pretendida, e pode-se pedir em oração que a Mãe Terra faça o mesmo, a fim de que a delicada rede energética de vida seja mantida. Isto irá permitir que uma abertura seja criada e que não cause nenhum dano. Tal como acontece com as árvores, este reajuste e redirecionamento de energia irão  acontecer em qualquer caso, depois que o poço for cavado, ou que outra abertura seja criada. Entretanto, aqueles que procurar ajudar a Terra e causar o menor dano ao campo bioenergético que é o seu corpo, podem aprender a trabalhar em harmonia com a Terra através do seu processo do pensamento consciente e co-criativo.
Implícito nesta nova ciência do pensamento e energia estará a compreensão de que toda a consciência é interativa, e o que se faz ao nível mental interior afeta exteriormente as coisas também. Neste sentido, o corpo biofísico da Terra é afetado pela consciência daqueles que vivem na Terra, e é curado e restaurado, ou esgotado e degradado, dependendo da visão, da atitude e do sentimento subjacente em relação a uma realidade compartilhada.
Aqueles que procuram preservar e melhorar a vida sagrada da Terra sabem destas coisas, intuitivamente. No entanto, a auto-capacitação para levar tal conhecimento ao próximo nível de ação de cura é muitas vezes inexistente e precisa de credibilidade da ciência espiritual, a fim de ativar esforços de um tipo mais potente. Neste  sentido, é preciso sempre lembrar que toda a vida, energia e consciência, fazem parte de um Todo vivo, e assim o que se mantém dentro de si, porém em silêncio, pode contribuir ou prejudicar o bem do Todo também.

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