Escusam-if many cannot be charitable, claiming insecurity of goods, as if the charity if reducing feed to the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, and to provide a roof to the homeless.
In addition to this charity, order material, another exists-the moral, that doesn't involve spending a dime and, nevertheless, it is more difficult to be practiced.
Examples? Here are a few:
Would be uncharitable, making good use of our mental strengths, vibrássemos or pray daily in favor of those who know find yourself sick, sad or overwhelmed, without excluding those who might consider themselves our enemies.
Would be charitable if, in certain situations, we do not see blind to intentionally the scornful smile or gesture desprezivo of whom are deemed superior to us.
Would be charitable if, with the sacrifice of our valuable time, we were able to hear, without boredom, the unhappy we want to trust their intimate problems, although knowing beforehand that we can do nothing for him, but driving him some words of affection and solidarity.
Would be uncharitable to setback, we make us momentarily deaf when someone used to mock everything and everyone we came with ironic expressions or he experiences jeering.
Would be uncharitable, disciplining our language, only in referíssemos to that there is good in beings and things, never passing along news that, even if true, only serve to befoul the honor or shake the reputation of others.
Would be charitable if, although the circumstances that would induce us, not suspeitássemos evil of our fellow human beings, eschewing us to expend any hasty and reckless judgment against them, even among family members.
Would be uncharitable, realizing in our brother an evil intent, the aconselhássemos in time, showing you the error and despersuadindo of the implement.
Would be uncharitable, depriving us once in a while, the pleasure of a radio program or Tv to our liking, visitássemos personally those who, in hospital beds or in their residence, enjoy prolonged illness and yearn for a bit of attention and affection.
Would be charitable if, although this attitude could harm our self-interest, ultimately, always, the defense of the weak and the poor, against the arrogance of the strong and the rich usury.
Would be uncharitable, keeping permanently a proceeding serene and optimistic, we create around us an atmosphere of peace, tranquillity and good humor.
Would be charitable if, occasionally, endereçássemos a word of congratulations and encouragement to good causes and try not to kill faith and enthusiasm of those who they feel committed.
Would be uncharitable if we to postulate any benefit or advantage, since verificássemos have other more legitimate rights to be met first.
Would be charitable if, seeing success those whose merits are inferior to ours, not the invejássemos nor were they wanted badly.
Would be uncharitable if not desdenhássemos nor evitássemos the poor life, if not temêssemos splashes of mud that cover and extend to them our helping hand, helping them to stand up and clean up.
Would be uncharitable, owning some portion of power, let us not take for superb, treating, the little ones of condition, always with gentleness and urbanity, or, in the reverse situation, we would tolerate, without hatred, the impertinências of those who occupy the best jobs in the social landscape.
Would be charitable if, by being smarter, not irritássemos with the ineptitude of those who surround us or serve us.
Would be uncharitable if you don't protect resentment of those who have offended or harmed us, that hurt our pride or stole our happiness, forgiving them.
Would be uncharitable if reserve our accuracy only to ourselves, being patient and tolerant of the weaknesses and imperfections of those with whom we have shared our lives, at home, in the workshop or in society.
And so, tens or hundreds of other circumstances could still be remembered, in that a sincere friendship, a fraternal gesture or a simple demonstration of sympathy, would clear expressions of the greatest of all virtues.
We, however, almost didn't realise these opportunities we offer, at any moment, to do charity.
It is because this type of charity not transposes the boundaries of our inner world, it transpires, it draws attention, nor causes glorifications.
We we offend against, employ violence, treat or other lightly, we suspect, make comments in bad faith, share of error and fraud, showed us intolerant, feed hatred, we practice vengeance, we encourage gossip, spread concerns discourage noble initiatives, we welcome the imposture, harm the interests of others, we explored the
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