domingo, 14 de abril de 2013


Charity and love of neighbor
The true meaning of the word charity, as Jesus taught, is reflected in the goodwill towards all, indulgence for the imperfections of others and in the forgiveness of offenses received; It has been so that charity is the greatest expression of love for similar.

Love and charity become an extension of the law of Justice, because this loving your neighbor means make it all good that each would like to be done; No creature can require of his fellow man that is tolerant, forgiving and kind, if it even does not proceed in the same way towards others. To further accentuate the need for this love, Jesus even said: "love one another as I have loved you". This precept is manifested both in material and in charity practice charity. Although the duty of all is the constant exercise of both moral, charity is more difficult and therefore more worthy charity simply material, because it requires of those who practice the true feeling of fraternity, spirit of resignation and tolerance, principles contrary to selfishness and pride.

In this way, the charity is not limited only to material aspects, but in essence the relationship life in every detail of a social structure, based from some attitudes:
— Indulgence, which is tolerance, understanding to the defects of the next, without humiliate or embarrass as well as one that is in the bottom position, because whatever our level of evolution, we are always enclosed in a superior that guides us and perfect, and a lower, before which we have duties to fulfill. It is not for no one cast the first stone, because all are debtors, all have to correct defects, to temptations, to change habits;

— Benevolence is the willingness to help those who need help selflessly, with true affection and respect for their problems; is able to speak and listen, giving encouragement to the one who aches as I watch, stressing its qualities rather than pointing out their mistakes;

— Forgiveness in the broadest sense of oblivion of absence received; forgive every offense as many times as you need. Forgive means not only forget the poorly received, but also do not want any harm to whom the practice, including the "enemies", which do not hold grudges or desire for revenge, but seek help so that they can fix the mistakes that were made.

Jesus ' words "love your enemies" induce a reflection: being the love of enemies against the very nature of the human condition, still undeveloped morally, it is clear that this is not the same love that we have for loved ones. Love enemies, as Jesus taught, is to forgive them and pay them the evil with good. This is the true charity that characterizes the man of good.

The man reduced to begging deteriorate physically and moral: If roughens (LE, 888); but every society that establishes their social laws with reference to the law of righteousness. Love and Charity, will surely provide the needs of the weakest, without that they feel humiliated by their inferiority. Almsgiving in itself is not an act liable to fail, but rather the way in which it is practiced. If the aid provided for by mere ostentation of greatness towards society, there will be some merit, because Jesus recommended: "That your left hand ignore what makes your right hand"; by these words he taught macular not the Act of charity with the pride and vanity.

Therefore, the charity, as Jesus taught, is to love each other, this is the whole law, divine law by which God governs the world. Love is the law of attraction to the living beings and organized, and the attraction is the law of love to the inorganic matter (LE, 888a). Love is the divine essence that dwells in all creatures, from the atom to the Archangel, that in essence everyone wants to be, in their nature.

Posted 35 minutes ago by KARLA ELIZA BAILEY

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